Archives for posts with tag: family


Happy Thanksgiving!  After an amazing 8 mile run this morning, my day has been spent doing a crazy amount of cooking, with a beach walk and some much needed down time.  I thought about doing a list of things I’m thankful for (since I totally am not together enough to post one thing every day for the entire month of November) but I’m not feeling it today, plus you all like pictures better so I figured I’d share some pictures of things I’m thankful for (obviously not all-inclusive, you can’t take a picture of everything!)  Hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving!

IMG_3420.JPG IMG_1531 IMG_5182

2012-05-26 10.51.08 2013-07-04 10.07.33 2012-11-21 14.01.14

2012-11-20 07.13.372011-10-15 11.15.59 2013-11-22 10.09.06 DSC_0111 V3 2012-06-27 20.52.30 2013-24

2012-10-20 06.33.14 2013-03-25 07.22.56 2013-08-10 10.58.35

IMG_3078 IMG_3336 2013-09-04 21.27.14 2013-09-25 11.58.52 IMG_2638 IMG_3016

2013-10-20 04.57.33 2013-10-20 04.45.262013-10-20 19.28.23

2013-10-28 19.40.562013-10-25 23.08.06281289_10151278372439870_1255010217_n 39197_785174377204_586307_n 179562_10100617466429234_65893214_n 76386_1608966311725_6623033_n

Remember when we had family pictures done? We had a set done with my mom and sisters as a birthday present for my mom and then a shoot of just Andrew, Par and I. I wanted to share a few of the FABULOUS photos taken by plum speckled photography!














Now the hard part, what to choose for a Christmas card? help!! Which one(s) do you like?

Lately, I’ve been getting a number of “well that’s very ambitious…” (read: she’s totally crazy) comments.  I guess I like to live in the wild side since I:

  • run with a baby jogger.  I don’t just run with my baby, I try to run at a decent pace (I’m still working on getting back up to speed) and I run anywhere and everywhere I can with her.  I love not only how strong I feel after completing a run while pushing that stroller, but also that I am getting the opportunity to share my love of running with my daughter.  She absolutely loves going on runs, and I hope it’ll stay that way!  Plus it’s always nice to have a running partner:)


  • walk my dogs.  On second thought, this one might be a little crazy.  I try to walk the dogs in the afternoon when Parker and I are home.  Which means I strap my baby to my back (love my Ergo carrier!) and leash up my two slightly large dogs (who may or may not weigh more than I do…)  They’re not always the best behaved, but we’ve done pretty well so far and they need to get out of the house (as do I!)

(I’d totally post a picture of this, because I think you’d enjoy it but I kinda have my hands full haha – instead you’ll have to deal with this cute picture of them snuggling)


  • use cloth diapers.  (Which I absolutely love!)  #1 They’re way cuter than disposable, #2 They don’t end up in a landfill and #3 I can’t even start on how much money we’re saving every month.  Add the savings of  using cloth wipes (they smell good, are larger than disposable, and don’t contain any harsh chemicals) and you’ve got one happy baby


  • am still breastfeeding. Somehow, I’ve managed to have 3 cases of mastitis (don’t google it unless you want to be slightly disturbed) but just know it’s not pleasant. But we’ve stuck with it and are still going strong:)
  • would love to have a few more kids. I come from a large family – the oldest of 6 and loved every most minutes of it. Granted I’m not ready to have 16 and counting, but I’d love to have 4!


I’m sure people think I’m crazy for a lot more reasons (I’m overly competitive, a total brand freak and love the song “roar” by Katy Perry to name a few). What do you do that other people find just a little bit “ambitious”?