Archives for category: random thoughts

Today, I’m linking up for the first time with Running with Spoons for Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Here it goes…


1.  Yesterday Parks was all about sticking out her tongue.  I’d stick mine out at her and she’d stick hers out right back at me – it’s hilarious.

IMG_37482.  I’ve eaten waaaaaayyy too much sugar in the past 2 weeks.  Between christmas cookies, fancy coffee drinks and just about anything else I think I’m on a constant sugar high.  I think it’s about time for some sort of cleanse or something (I actually have never done one of these or really know what it is but I’ll let you know if I actually do it and how it goes)

3.  I also haven’t run since bald head, my knee feels fine but with all the snow it’s been more difficult to find an opportunity.  We don’t have many shoveled paths here and I’m not quiet comfortable running the roads with a baby jogger and ice.  A gym membership is sounding more and more appealing (santa?  are you reading? please?)

4. Every day Parker and I try to go over the Christmas story.  We’ve read a few books, played with the kids version of youversion, and played extensively with her own nativity scene.  Parks would tell you her favorite “character” is the angel, and she’s not quiet sure why everyone always wants to be inside the stable, when obviously it’s more fun to be on top of it:)


5. This is our new favorite game

6.  I’m in a slightly grumpy mood today.  I shouldn’t be, it was in actuality a pretty good day – it stinks how sometimes 1 thing can just overtake your mood right?  I really need to run…


Are you dealing with a holiday sugar high?  Tips to beat it?

What gets you out of a grumpy funk?


We made it!  It’s freezing, but the beach is beautiful.  Unfortunately, my sister Carolina was unable to join us due to school athletic commitments.  Because we miss her so we brought her student id with us and have been taking pictures of her trip to BHI.  Here are a few of my favorites from the day:


Carol at the beach


Carol and Dad baking together

ImageCarol and one of the weird pictures on the wall creeping in the window

ImageCarol enjoying a margaritaImage

Carol made a mess (obviously Parker had nothing to do with this)

ImageCarol and Par chillin

ImageCarol stealing Parker’s binky

ImageCarol celebrating Hanukkah with us.

It’s possible that I might be the only person who finds this amusing/hilarious, oops;)

My sister Ashley also wasn’t able to join us 😦 but for some reason didn’t provide us with her id to experience the vacation. Something about how a teacher id floating in an alcoholic beverage would be inappropriate? Totally lame. But that doesn’t mean we don’t miss her too. I mean look at this face – totally missing her aunt Ashley. P


Ok so I know it’s hard to tell but she’s totally screaming in that picture. It’s hard to people to take you seriously when you look this cute while sad.

Well it’s been a crazy few days around here. But before the day is over I thought I’d share some fun facts!

1. My lululemon stuff came today. I can’t wait to wear it. Actually I couldn’t wait so I already have some of it on, even though I’m totally not running right now (or will tonight). It’s amazing. I love birthday gift cards.

2. These two have even extra snuggly today. It’s like they can’t get enough- I can’t say I hate it.


3. Got this little one her own water bottle just like mama. I think she’s a fan.


4. The other day I left the cabinet open. Guess who crawled in? She had a lot of fun chilling in this spot.


5. I haven’t gotten to run much this week. I’m hoping tomorrow and Sunday will be different:)

6. In other news, we found out that we need a new furnace today. On the bright side of things our ac died in August so now we can get them replaced at the same time. On the other side- ouch…

7. I took the laundry upstairs only to turn around and see this

I think we’re in trouble

8. I picked up the book “Allegiant” the other day with a target gift card. Can’t wait to read the end of this series – when I finally get a chance to pick up the book;)

9. Andrew is the worst and best person to watch tv with. I love watching tv with him, but he also talks a lot-which drives me crazy (totally one of my biggest pet peeves). Even so I think I’ll keep him;)


10. I can’t wait till Thanksgiving. Easily my favorite holiday. Only 20 more days!!

Phew, made it in just under the wire. I’m
off to bed before Parks wakes up!

  • What’s your favorite holiday?
  • Biggest pet peeve?
  • So you know that dog from the movie “Up” who was totally engaged in a conversation and then would see a squirrel and totally change the subject? Well that’s what this post is going to be like. I feel like there’s a million different things to say and none of them are really related so here it goes:

    1. I like lists (thus why this is going to be written in list format haha)

    2. I’m hoping to get up before parks and Andrew tomorrow so I can go on a 6 mile run by myself- wish me luck:)

    3. Still can’t get over how cute this one looked in her Halloween costume. I’m thinking we need a few more excuses to dress her up before she grows out of it


    4. Red cups are back at Starbucks. Totally made my day (plus the fact that I could get Starbucks since I had a coupon for a free drink!)


    5. Still on a popcorn kick. I love that stuff

    6. Today I finally used the lulu gift card I got for my birthday. Can’t wait until my package comes:)

    7. I think Parker is finally getting settled into a normal sleep pattern! Between our move to Andrews parents and then to out house and all the craziness going along with that (and maybe a growth spurt in the middle) she hasn’t been sleeping that well at night (waking every 3 hours to eat) thankfully she’s a quick ear and fall back asleep baby. Last night she went over 6 hours without a peep! It was amazing:)

    8. I did this workout from my friend Abby. I’m pretty sure Ill be sore tomorrow.


    9. Remember Parker’s photo shoot last week? Well we got a sneak peek today

    20131101-210909.jpg. I can’t wait to see the rest!!

    10. This girl gets herself into more and more every day. She’s gonna be walking in no time. I better watch out


    #1) I love family group txts


    (Yes my sisters are goofy)

    #2) I’m pretty sure we’re going to end up eating popcorn every night #ilovepopcorn


    #3) parks and I went on a glorious run today. The weather was amazing. Did you get to enjoy it?


    #4) Pretty sure my baby is a genius.


    #5) Read this post, absolutely amazing

    #6) just had to add this picture – because I’m pretty sure she’s the cutest
